About 'do laxatives help weight loss'|Weight Loss: Using Laxatives for Weight Loss is Dangerous!
There are healthy and less healthy (even potentially harmful) ways to shed extra pounds. Here are some examples of what you should not be doing if you want to lose weight: 1. Stop eating. I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but risking dehydration and malnutrition will make you feel ill and become much hungrier when you finally get around to eating. The tendency will be to compensate by overeating because you are famished. 2. Take laxatives. Whether in the form of an OTC preparation or a "tea", energy-producing (caloric) nutrients are digested and absorbed in the small intestine. Laxatives will act on the large intestine, after the fact. Weight loss showing up on the scale will be water loss, due to temporary dehydration. 3. Vomit. You know where I'm going with this one. The onset of bulimia nervosa can be triggered by repeated binging and vomiting. In addition to electrolyte imbalance, repeated vomiting will weaken and injure the teeth and membranes of the mouth and esophagus. Electrolyte imbalance can be deadly when it interferes with cardiac function. 4. Watch television. Between the cooking shows and food commercials, a sedentary activity such as television viewing can contribute both directly and indirectly towards weight gain. 5. Frequently eat out. Restaurants are designed to provide you with tasty, satisfying food so you'll come back for more. Restaurants (with some exceptions) are not designed to provide you with low salt, low fat, calorie-restricted foods worthy of a hospital meal plan. When you prepare your own foods, you are better able to control ingredients, portion sizes, and nutritional content. 6. Eat when you're not really hungry. Boredom, nervousness, fatigue, anxiety, and many other emotions can trigger eating behaviors. Although a common behavior, eating for reasons other than hunger may cause you to load up on calories even before you sit down for a meal. 7. Eat just because someone offers you food. This can be a tricky one. Parties and special events literally challenge your sense of impulse control. One trick is to eat about an hour prior to attending the event, because then you won't be as hungry. Another trick is to ask for a doggie bag (when appropriate) to bring home that specially made treat. 8. Ignore calories and portion sizes. In some cities such as New York, chain restaurants are required by law to post calories on their menu boards. For decades, prepared foods have had calorie and nutrient contents listed on their labels. If a container holds two portions, and each portion is listed as 200 calories, eating the entire container will contribute 400 calories. That's why labels must be carefully scrutinized. It is safer to assume the portion sizes listed on containers will be smaller than what you have become accustomed to eating. 9. Ignore fiber. The various forms of fibers in fruits, vegetables, and grain products will normalize bowel function and may provide additional health benefits (currently under study). Fiber also enhances feelings of fullness, which is helpful for those trying to reduce food intake. 10. Set unrealistic goals. If you were never a size zero as an adult, chances are you were not meant to be a size zero. Nor for most of us is it reasonable to expect to healthfully lose more than two pounds per week every week. Other metrics such as lean body mass and the body mass index can help you set a weight loss goal you can live with to achieve a healthier, not just thinner, body. For Additional Information: American Dietetic Association www.eatright.org Dietary Guidelines for Americans USDA and US Dept of Health and Human Services www.healthierus.gov/dietaryguidelines Food and Nutrition Information Center UDSA National Agricultural Library Weight and Obesity http://fnic.nal.usda.gov/nal_display/index.php?info_center=4&tax_level=1&tax_subject=271 MyPyramid Food Guidance System USDA and Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion www.mypyramid.gov Weight Control Information Network www.win.niddk.nih.gov |
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