About 'gp help with weight loss'|Effective Weight Loss Starter Guide:
There are increasing calls for primary care providers to provide weight loss assistance to their patients. The benefits of weight loss in overweight patients are substantial: a lower risk of premature death. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine looked at three different lifestyle interventions that could be applied in primary care clinics. The treatment was delivered by the primary care providers themselves along with auxiliary lifestyle coaches. The researchers looked at a total of almost 400 patients in a 2-year trial. The people assigned to usual care received quarterly visits (every 3 months) to their primary care provider, which included discussions about weight management and lifestyle. These patients lost on average about 4 lbs. Those assigned to a slightly higher level of counseling which the authors called brief lifestyle counseling, lost about 6 lbs. This consisted of the quarterly visits to the primary care provider and in addition included monthly sessions with a lifestyle coach. These monthly sessions reinforced the weight management and lifestyle counseling offered by the primary care provider. The final group underwent enhanced lifestyle counseling. This consisted of quarterly visits to their primary care provider for weight loss and lifestyle counseling; monthly sessions with a lifestyle coach; and in addition included meal replacements or a weight-loss medication to help them lose weight. People in this group lost on average about 10 lbs. A statistical analysis of the results found that enhanced lifestyle counseling was superior to usual care and brief lifestyle counseling. Even when excluding patients who received a weight-loss medication, the enhanced lifestyle counseling was found to be more effective. The findings from this study are of no surprise: weight loss counseling works. Monthly counseling most likely is better than quarterly visits for counseling. This may be due in part to the increased frequency of the visits. It also may be due in part to an added benefit of getting the counseling from at least two different sources, both the primary care provider and a lifestyle coach. Finally, targeted meal replacement programs seem to provide an more help for people who desire to lose weight. REFERENCES Wadden TA et al. A two-year randomized trial of obesity treatment in primary care practice. N Engl J Med. 2011 Nov 24;365(21):1969-79. Epub 2011 Nov 14. The New American Heart Association Cookbook, 7th Edition |
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