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About 'foods help lose weight'|what foods can i eat to lose weight
Atkins, cabbage, weight-watchers, and many more options are on the market bookshelves today but what is healthy for the body' not all diet plans on the market will help lose weight. Here are the 10 worst ways to lose weight: 1. Diet Pills: Sure, diet pills are seen everywhere around the world stating amazing results. These "quick fix" pills are usually not certified by the FDA. In addition, the side-effects more than commonly have been known to cause death besides the fact that no weight has been carved off the body. So, if you think that those diet pills are your miracle drug to reduce the pounds without exercise and changing those bad eating habits - you are seriously wrong. 2. Restriction of Foods: Many "fad diets" call for a restriction of foods. For example, the Atkins diet requires that vegetables not be consumed - we all saw how well that worked out for Mr. Atkins himself during those "5 minutes of fame". The FDA and almost all the leading scientists in the world suggest for at least 6-8 servings of vegetables a day. Vegetables, to put it simply, contain many minerals and vitamins that are essential for the body to keep from malnourishment. 3. Reduce Exercise: Some diets require a reduction of exercise, such as long distance running. Each of these diets states that putting the body on rigorous stress will not help lose weight. The idea of losing weight is to reduce body fat and increase healthy muscles - exercise is essential to do this. So, if you plan on reducing those calories without any exercise, you are thinking wrong. 4. Just Take the Stairs: I have heard this so many times and am still reading it on many websites. The phrase is, "Just take the stairs and you'll lose those pounds". Fact is one pound of fat is around 3,000 calories so a person must work off this much before losing one pound. Just taking the stairs will not burn off enough calories to lose enough weight- that is unless your office is on the 40th floor. 5. Steer Clear of Nuts: Nuts such as almonds, cashews, pistachios, and all other nuts available have gotten a bad wrap throughout the last 20-30 years. The reason is a misconception of fats that are naturally in nuts. What everyone must know is that food contains two types of fat - good and bad, similar to good and bad cholesterol. There is a common misunderstanding though because nuts are high in good fats. These are fats are healthy for the body and have been recently found to reduce the risks of cancer and heart disease in humans. Now if you are allergic to nuts, yeah, steer clear of them. 6. Skip the Meat: This is a misconception by many Americans that dieters must all become vegans and vegetarians. I can not tell you how many times I have heard people say "oh you are trying to lose some weight" when I tell them I am a vegan and/or vegetarian depending on my current status. Although I would love to tell everyone to become vegetarians, you meat lovers do not fear because meat contains essential proteins and fats; moderation is the key. It's important to eat less than 3oz a day of meat. Now, if you do not eat meat (good for you, I mean...) go along and eat those delicious nuts and other vegetables that can add protein to your diet. 7. Reduce Calories: When I was younger I always heard to reduce my calories to lose weight. Fortunately for us foodies, this is not the case. Humans need food to live so a reduction of essential nourishment is not what the doctor ordered for dieters. Women need around 2,000 calories when men need around 2,500. The more a person exercises though, the higher the calories are needed to keep a healthy body. Now, if you are eating a diet of more than your gender worth of calories you will have to reduce but not to the state where all you eat is celery. 8. Just Eat Salads: Many believe salads are the best diet food and in order to lose weight one needs to eat salads at least 2 times a day. While it is a fact that salads are very healthy and good for dieters, many people make the mistake of adding too many toppings that can add on the calories. Another problem is salad dressings that can add tongs of fat, sodium and calories. A lot of restaurants offer salads that have more calories than the entrees available. Just eating salads is not going to change anything; you must moderate the toppings and exercise also. 9. Diet Fun Day: A lot of dieticians are ill informing dieters saying that if they are good for 6 days, then they can have a "fun day". Fun days are basically a day when a dieter can eat whatever he/she wants to for the entire day. This special day is given so that the dieter does not cheat throughout most of the week. Unfortunately many dieters believe that it is a "fair game" to eat tons of calories while still losing weight. Unfortunately, eating such as this most commonly puts dieters on the wrong track and can actually make them gain weight. Even on "fun days", dieters should watch what they are consuming and eat what they want in moderation. It does not make sense to work so hard for 6 days to be back where you started on the 7th day. 10. Rice Cake Diet: I'm not sure who made up the concept/phrase "diet food has to taste life cardboard and nothing good for you taste good". This is not true! Rice cakes were the entire "rage" when I was younger and amazingly still today. The truth is that rice cakes are really not healthy or beneficial to dieters. These cakes are full of processed ingredients and also have hydrogenated oils and et cetera. Healthy food does not have to taste bad. Eating rice cakes (although I personally love the flavor) is not the way to go when trying to lose weight, if you are trying to gain weight go right ahead and eat these cakes. |
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